Including collections in Jekyll archives
Recently, I decided to upload all my recipes onto my blog, as a convenient way to share them, any modifications I made, and the original source. It also allows me to have a “backup” of them, as the tool that I wrote also exports Paprika’s “importable” format (really just gzip + JSON).
The best way to do this was as a Jekyll collection, which lets
me neatly keep them separate from the actual blog posts.
However, I wanted my recipe categories to be used by
as part of tag generation. Normally, this is not supported, but
Ruby monkey-patching allows me to commit the following crime in
a Jekyll plugin (appropriately called
It’s probably not idiomatic Ruby, but it allows me to add the
following to the
section of
With that, the recipes are used for tags, but they’re not emitted into the category pages or date-based archives. They’re also not emitted into my “tagged” page, because that only works with the posts collection.
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